Thursday, August 27, 2020

Deception Point Page 88 Free Essays

Tolland thought about it. The Mariana Trench was seven miles down, one of the keep going really unexplored districts on the planet. Just a bunch of mechanical tests had ever wandered that profound, and most had fell well before they arrived at the base. We will compose a custom paper test on Misleading Point Page 88 or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now The water pressure in the channel was colossal a dumbfounding eighteen thousand pounds for every square inch, instead of a unimportant twenty-four beats on the ocean’s surface. Oceanographers despite everything had next to no comprehension of the geologic powers at the most profound sea depths. â€Å"So, this person Pollock thinks the Mariana Trench can make rocks with chondrulelike features?† â€Å"It’s a very dark theory,† Xavia said. â€Å"In truth, it’s never at any point been officially distributed. I just happened to unearth Pollock’s individual notes on the Web by chance a month ago when I was doing explore on liquid stone collaborations for our up and coming megaplume appear. Else, I could never have known about it.† â€Å"The hypothesis has never been published,† Corky stated, â€Å"because it’s absurd. You need warmth to shape chondrules. There’s no chance water weight could adjust the crystalline structure of a rock.† â€Å"Pressure,† Xavia terminated back, â€Å"happens to be the single greatest supporter of geologic change on our planet. A bit of something many refer to as a changeable stone? Topography 101?† Corky glared. Tolland acknowledged Xavia had a point. In spite of the fact that warmth played a job in some of earth’s changeable topography, most transformative rocks were framed by extraordinary weight. Unimaginably, shakes somewhere down in the earth’s outside layer were under so much weight that they acted more like thick molasses than strong stone, getting versatile and experiencing synthetic changes as they did. In any case, Dr. Pollock’s hypothesis despite everything appeared to be a stretch. â€Å"Xavia,† Tolland said. â€Å"I’ve never knew about water pressure alone artificially changing a stone. You’re the geologist, what’s your take?† â€Å"Well,† she stated, flipping through her notes, â€Å"it seems as though water pressure isn’t the main factor.† Xavia found an entry and read Pollock’s notes verbatim. â€Å"‘Oceanic hull in the Mariana Trench, effectively under gigantic hydrostatic pressurization, can wind up additionally compacted by structural powers from the region’s subduction zones.'† Obviously, Tolland thought. The Mariana Trench, notwithstanding being squashed under seven miles of water, was a subduction zone-the pressure line where the Pacific and Indian plates advanced toward each other and impacted. Joined weights in the channel could be tremendous, and on the grounds that the zone was so remote and hazardous to examine, if there were chondrules down there, odds of anybody thinking about it were thin. Xavia continued perusing. â€Å"‘Combined hydrostatic and structural weights might compel covering into a flexible or semiliquid state, permitting lighter components to intertwine into chondrulelike structures thought to happen just in space.'† Corky feigned exacerbation. â€Å"Impossible.† Tolland looked at Corky. â€Å"Is there any elective clarification for the chondrules in the stone Dr. Pollock found?† â€Å"Easy,† Corky said. â€Å"Pollock found a genuine shooting star. Shooting stars fall into the sea constantly. Pollock would not have suspected it was a shooting star in light of the fact that the combination outside would have disintegrated away from years under the water, making it resemble an ordinary rock.† Corky went to Xavia. â€Å"I don’t assume Pollock had the minds to quantify the nickel content, did he?† â€Å"Actually, yes,† Xavia terminated back, flipping through the notes once more. â€Å"Pollock composes: ‘I was astonished to discover the nickel substance of the example falling inside a midrange esteem not normally connected with earthly rocks.'† Tolland and Rachel traded frightened looks. Xavia kept perusing. â€Å"‘Although the amount of nickel doesn't fall inside the ordinarily worthy midrange window for meteoritic beginning, it is shockingly close.'† Rachel looked grieved. â€Å"How close? Is there any way this sea rock could be confused with a meteorite?† Xavia shook her head. â€Å"I’m not a synthetic petrologist, yet as I get it, there are various concoction contrasts between the stone Pollock found and genuine meteorites.† â€Å"What are those differences?† Tolland squeezed. Xavia directed her concentration toward a diagram in her notes. â€Å"According to this, one distinction is in the compound structure of the chondrules themselves. It would seem that the titanium/zirconium proportions contrast. The titanium/zirconium proportion in the chondrules of the sea test showed ultradepleted zirconium.† She turned upward. â€Å"Only two sections for each million.† â€Å"Two ppm?† Corky shouted. â€Å"Meteorites have a large number of times that!† â€Å"Exactly,† Xavia answered. â€Å"Which is the reason Pollock thinks his sample’s chondrules are not from space.† Tolland hung over and murmured to Corky, â€Å"Did NASA happen to quantify the titanium/zirconium proportion in the Milne rock?† â€Å"Of course not,† Corky faltered. â€Å"Nobody could ever gauge that. It’s like taking a gander at a vehicle and estimating the tires’ elastic substance to affirm you’re taking a gander at a car!† Tolland hurled a moan and glanced back at Xavia. â€Å"If we give you a stone example with chondrules in it, would you be able to run a test to decide if these considerations are brilliant chondrules or†¦ one of Pollock’s profound sea pressure things?† Xavia shrugged. â€Å"I assume. The electron microprobe’s exactness ought to be sufficiently close. What’s this about, anyway?† Tolland went to Corky. â€Å"Give it to her.† Corky hesitantly pulled the shooting star test from his pocket and held it out for Xavia. Xavia’s temple wrinkled as she took the stone plate. She looked at the combination outside and afterward the fossil inserted in the stone. â€Å"My God!† she stated, her head soaring upward. â€Å"This isn’t part of†¦?† â€Å"Yeah,† Tolland said. â€Å"Unfortunately it is.† 106 Alone in her office, Gabrielle Ashe remained at the window, thinking about what to do straightaway. Not exactly an hour back, she had left NASA feeling loaded with energy to share Chris Harper’s PODS extortion with the representative. Presently, she wasn’t so sure. As indicated by Yolanda, two free ABC correspondents associated Sexton with accepting kickbacks. Moreover, Gabrielle had recently discovered that Sexton really realized she had snuck into his condo during the SFF meeting, but then he had said nothing to her regarding it? Gabrielle moaned. Her taxi had since a long time ago left, and in spite of the fact that she would call another shortly, she knew there was something she needed to do first. Am I truly going to attempt this? Gabrielle grimaced, knowing she didn’t have a decision. She no longer realized whom to trust. Venturing out of her office, she advanced go into the secretarial entryway and into a wide passage on the contrary side. At the far end she could see the monstrous oak entryways of Sexton’s office flanked by two banners Old Glory on the privilege and the Delaware banner on the left. His entryways, similar to those of most senate workplaces in the structure, were steel strengthened and made sure about by customary keys, an electronic key cushion section, and a caution framework. She knew whether she could get inside, regardless of whether for just a couple of moments, all the appropriate responses would be uncovered. Pushing now toward the vigorously made sure about entryways, Gabrielle had no hallucinations of traversing them. She had different plans. Ten feet from Sexton’s office, Gabrielle went forcefully to one side and went into the ladies’ room. The fluorescents went ahead naturally, reflecting cruelly off the white tile. As her eyes balanced, Gabrielle delayed, seeing herself in the mirror. Of course, her highlights looked gentler than she’d trusted. Sensitive nearly. She generally felt more grounded than she looked. Is it true that you are certain you are prepared? The most effective method to refer to Deception Point Page 88, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Revolution Politically Considered Essay

The word Maccabean originates from Judas Maccabeus, the pioneer of the Jewish rebel against Syria which occurred from 167 †160 B. C. E. In second Maccabees 15 v 30 he is depicted as â€Å"The ideal boss of his kindred residents. † The story is recorded in the Apocryphal Biblical Books Ist and second Maccabees, the sources composed nearest so as to the occasions and to a lesser degree by the Jewish first century C. E. student of history Flavius Josephus in his Antiquities ( Books XII and XIII) who kept in touch with exactly 200 years after the fact. Martin Cohen ( The Hasmonean Revolution Politically Considered,1975, page 21) depicts every one of the three of writers, those of the Maccabean books and Josephus, as being excessively divided and is by all accounts saying that the purported heathens weren’t as dark as they are painted. Some may state anyway that his article is at risk for going excessively far the other path in parts. The name implies ‘hammer’ and was utilized to portray Judas’ massive quality. It was then taken as a name by his siblings, two of whom succeeded him, and different adherents. The contention had been blended when, after a time of expanding Hellenisation, Syrian ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes provided orders prohibiting certain Jewish traditions and rehearses and transformed the Temple into a holy place for the agnostic god Zeus †the icon the Jews allude to as ‘the detestation of desecration’ referenced in Daniel 11. Judas Maccabeus and his supporters affected a revolt. In 164 B. C. E they had the option to recover control of the Temple, which was then purged and rededicating to the God of Israel. Right up 'til the present time Jews praise the dining experience of Hanukkah to review these occasions. The story closes with the demise of Nicanor in 2 Maccabeans 15 and furthermore committing an exceptional day to its recognition the thirtieth day of the twelfth month. The utilization of the menorah, the seven fanned candle, is a token of similar occasions. Individuals from Judas’ family, the Hasmoneans, kept on administering in Israel until the Romans showed up in power in 63 B. C. E. Ist Maccabees was initially written in Hebrew, yet that form is currently lost and the content utilized is taken from the Greek Septuagint. The book is set in the time of Greek standard and spreads the time of revolt from 175 to 134 B. C. Anyway it additionally depicts what number of Hebrews really invited the happening to Greek traditions, even to the degree of attempting to make themselves look like Greeks. In first Maccabees 1 v 15 the essayist advises how some were attempting to shroud the signs of circumcism I. e. the very sign of their Jewishness. In second Maccabees the occasions are again related, yet this time apparently with the goal of indicating God’s proceeded with care for his kin. It starts by encouraging Alexandrian Jews to keep the banquet of Hanukkah and glances back at the occasions that hinted at the principal festivity. Simultaneously it rebukes a few people †the Hellenistic Jewish ministers, specifically including High Priest Jason who was said to have sent cash for sculpture of Herakles, something Martin Cohen ( Page 15 ) sees as a pay off as opposed to as a certified gift in view of confidence.. Robert Doran ( 2006, The revolt of the Maccabees) searched for notable similitudes and compared it to the advanced uprising in Iraq. He tells how for the primary long periods of Seleucid rule there were no serious issues between the two gatherings. He depicts the primary issue as being about Jewish personality and who controls that definition. He points out that some would not have believed Jason to be a Jew by any stretch of the imagination, while he, as Jewish consecrated minister, probably did. He refers to twentieth century Jewish researchers Elias Bickermann and Victor Tchenikover who put the fault not on the Seleucids, yet upon the Jewish pioneers of the time. While I Maccabees accuses the Seleucid pioneer, it has been brought up by researchers, for example, Otto Morkholm (Antiochus IV of Syria, 1966) that as a rule he bolstered nearby societies. The essayist of second Maccabees accuses the foundation of Greek training, despite the fact that there were various years between the opening of the Greek school and the revolt. Reality is by all accounts that when a resident from Modein, the Hasmonean old neighborhood, went to make penances, Mattathias, the dad of Judas, hit him with his blade. The family at that point fled, yet in addition started a crusade of tossing down the agnostic modifies that they found and executing the individuals who contradicted what they felt was correct. By the opening of second Maccabees the dad had kicked the bucket and it is Judas who is driving the progressives. There are other significant contrasts between the records, to be specific with respect to battling on the Sabbath. This occurs in the principal book, however not in the second. As per Doran, in what is by all accounts a very target account ( page 107), upon the passing of Antiochus his replacement appears, to have allowed the issue to matter, with the Hasmoneans in control in Jerusalem. Anyway the transformation was spreading to different zones. Jerusalem turned into the middle for a general rebel against Seleucid rule. In 162 B. C. E. Judas at long last lost control of the Temple region and was slaughtered. Josephus portrays in the initial expressions of his second book about the period, (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 13) how, after the passing of Judus Maccabeus ‘all the evil, and those that violated the laws of their progenitors, jumped up again in Judea. ’ And so the fights proceeded under new administration. Anyway not long after this the Seleucid Empire started to disintegrate due to its own inward disruptiveness and Simon, sibling of Judas, had the option to remove the Seleucids. He was perceived as devout cleric of Judea in 140 B. C. E. So what had started as a strict dissent wound up as the reason for a free realm †finally for some time. Martin Cohen investigated the occasions depicted in the sacred texts. He considers it to be much as an inner battle among Jews as a rebel contrary to remote guideline. He states (page 26) that Antiochus accepted that no Jewish gathering was equipped for holding the harmony. He experienced difficulty somewhere else and this is the reason he descended hard, transforming Jerusalem into a fortification and he additionally expelled the intensity of the Jewish constitution. This transformed numerous into progressives. In the event that they had no Jewish law how might they be Jewish? Cohen depicts how the revolt has frequently been seen as a class battle between the Hellenistic rulers and the standard individuals, in spite of the way that there appears to have been grass roots backing of Hellenisation. The Maccabees were not simply non Hellenistic in any case, they were absolutely against †Hellenistic, for themselves, yet for Judaism in that capacity. Cohen calls attention to that the two records are both clashing and deficient and that the realities refered to by Jewish student of history Josephus don’t add a lot to memorable information. He additionally portrays how the Jewish Hellenistic gentry were little in number. On the off chance that they had not had mainstream support, at that point the Selucid would have needed to descend hard. Directly from the earliest starting point. The ministers concerned are denounced in entries, for example, second Maccabees 4 v 11 and 14. In the previous entry they are blamed for adding to the Pentateuch. The Pentateuch was sacred text, yet it was additionally the reason for all Jewish life. At the hour of the unrest religion and legislative issues, most definitely were indeed the very same thing. Be that as it may, the Hellenistic Jews didn't deny Judaism and the ministers among them proceeded with their conciliatory jobs, which they don't appear to have considered as being contrary to their Hellenistic practices. End Whatever the reality of the situation with respect to the roots of the revolt and any place the genuine fault should lie, basically this was tied in with protecting Judaism as it had been for hundred of years and was tied in with characterizing what is a Jew †a contention that can in any case be believed to be going on, regardless of whether now and again peacefully, in the distinctions to be watched day by day in the 21st century between the individuals who call themselves Orthodox Jews and others of a similar confidence and race, adherents and something else. Works Cited Book of scriptures, King James, â€Å"2nd Maccabees†, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia twelfth May 2010, Libraryhttp://etext. virginia. edu/toc/modeng/open/Kjv2Mac. html Bible, Revised Standard Version, â€Å"Ist Maccabees†, National Council of Churches of Christ in America twelfth May 2010, http://quod. lib. umich. edu/cgi/r/rsv/rsv-idx? type=DIV1&byte=4219672 Cohen Martin, â€Å"The Hasmonean Revolution Politically Considered: Outline of a New Interpretation,† The Journal of the Central Conference of American Rabbis , (Fall 1975 ): 13-34 Doran , Robert, â€Å"The Revolt of the Maccabees â€Å" The National Interest ( September â€October 2006):99, 100 Josephus , â€Å"Antiquities of the Jews† , Book XII ,twelfth May 2010, http://www. ccel. organization/j/josephus/works/subterranean insect 12. htm Josephus , â€Å"Antiquities of the Jews† , Book XIII twelfth May 2010 http://www. ccel. organization/j/josephus/works/insect 13. htm Morkholm, Otto,† Antiochus IV of Syria†, Classica et Mediaevalia Dissertationes VIII, Copenhagen. 1966

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Understanding Number Properties on the GMAT

Blog Archive Understanding Number Properties on the GMAT With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. Manhattan Prep’s  Stacey Koprince  teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Is the GMAT topic of number properties driving you crazy? This concept covers things that we often call “basic”â€"topics that we learned in middle school (or earlier), such as divisibility, factors and multiples, odds and evens, positives and negatives, and so on. I assure you, though, that number properties questions on the GMAT are anything but basic. I strongly urge you to develop a solid grounding in this topic, particularly because the test writers are so good at disguising what these problems are really testing. You will need some kind of book or e-book that covers this topic thoroughly, but I have some resources to help you get started. Start with this article, “Disguisingâ€"and Decodingâ€"Quant Problems.” We talk about how the test writers disguise material that you probably do already know, and how we can learn to “decode” the problem or strip away the camouflage. If you feel good about the concepts discussed in that article, and you are at a higher math level, try out  this challenging problem next. In the article “Patterns in Divisibility Problems,” we examine two GMATPrep problems that share some interesting characteristics. In  this article, we discuss some interesting topics related to prime numbers. Many questions address basic characteristics of numbers, such as whether they are positive or negative, odd or even, integer or fraction/decimal. These can be disguised in various ways; two of the most common are inequalities and absolute values (which we normally associate more with algebra). Here are two that use inequalities as a disguise for number properties concepts,  one in this article  and another from  this article, as well as a third one that  plays around with absolute value. All three of these are generally hiding issues that deal with positive and negative properties of numbers. And finally here are two more: a  number line problem  and one dealing with  consecutive integers. The former tests positive and negative properties, as well as some others, and the latter covers a less-commonly-tested but still important number properties category. Share ThisTweet GMAT Blog Archive Understanding Number Properties on the GMAT With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything.  Manhattan Prep’s  Stacey Koprince  teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Is the GMAT topic of number properties driving you crazy? This concept covers things that we often call “basic”â€"topics that we learned in middle school (or earlier), such as divisibility, factors and multiples, odds and evens, positives and negatives, and so on. I assure you, though, that number properties questions on the GMAT are anything but basic. I strongly urge you to develop a solid grounding in this topic, particularly because the test writers are so good at disguising what these problems are really testing. You will need some kind of book or e-book that covers this topic thoroughly, but I have some resources to help you get started. Start with this article, “Disguisingâ€"and Decodingâ€"Quant Problems.” We talk about how the test writers disguise material that you probably do already know, and how we can learn to “decode” the problem or strip away the camouflage. If you feel good about the concepts discussed in that article, and you are at a higher math level, try out  this challenging problem next. In the article “Patterns in Divisibility Problems,” we examine two GMATPrep problems that share some interesting characteristics. In  this article, we discuss some interesting topics related to prime numbers. Many questions address basic characteristics of numbers, such as whether they are positive or negative, odd or even, integer or fraction/decimal. These can be disguised in various ways; two of the most common are inequalities and absolute values (which we normally associate more with algebra). Here are two that use inequalities as a disguise for number properties concepts,  one in this article  and another from  this article, as well as a third one that  plays around with absolute value. All three of these are generally hiding issues that deal with positive and negative properties of numbers. And finally here are two more: a  number line problem  and one dealing with  consecutive integers. The former tests positive and negative properties, as well as some others, and the latter covers a less-commonly-tested but still important number properties category. Share ThisTweet GMAT Blog Archive Understanding Number Properties on the GMAT With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything.  Manhattan Prep’s  Stacey Koprince  teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Is the GMAT topic of number properties driving you crazy? This concept covers things that we often call “basic”â€"topics that we learned in middle school (or earlier), such as divisibility, factors and multiples, odds and evens, positives and negatives, and so on. I assure you, though, that number properties questions on the GMAT are anything but basic. I strongly urge you to develop a solid grounding in this topic, particularly because the test writers are so good at disguising what these problems are really testing. You will need some kind of book or e-book that covers this topic thoroughly, but I have some resources to help you get started. Start with this article, “Disguisingâ€"and Decodingâ€"Quant Problems.” We talk about how the test writers disguise material that you probably do already know, and how we can learn to “decode” the problem or strip away the camouflage. If you feel good about the concepts discussed in that article, and you are at a higher math level, try out  this challenging problem next. In the article “Patterns in Divisibility Problems,” we examine two GMATPrep problems that share some interesting characteristics. In  this article, we discuss some interesting topics related to prime numbers. Many questions address basic characteristics of numbers, such as whether they are positive or negative, odd or even, integer or fraction/decimal. These can be disguised in various ways; two of the most common are inequalities and absolute values (which we normally associate more with algebra). Here are two that use inequalities as a disguise for number properties concepts,  one in this article  and another from  this article, as well as a third one that  plays around with absolute value. All three of these are generally hiding issues that deal with positive and negative properties of numbers. And finally here are two more: a  number line problem  and one dealing with  consecutive integers. The former tests positive and negative properties, as well as some others, and the latter covers a less-commonly-tested but still important number properties category. Share ThisTweet GMAT

Monday, May 25, 2020

Choices And Change An Accidental Pregnancy - 1535 Words

Choices And Change Imagine finding out you are pregnant. Imagine that you are in between jobs and worried about paying this months rent. Women should not have to worry about an accidental pregnancy because they lack the funding necessary for birth control. While women still fight to get birth control covered by insurance, men’s Viagra is covered under most health insurance companies since 1998. Opposers of birth control will always be there, but the facts of this matter out weigh any claim they have. Birth control can be used not only to help prevent unexpected pregnancies, treat serious illness, treat acne, reduce the risk of cancer, and also to help women who could be at risk for heart problems or even death if they became pregnant. By†¦show more content†¦Birth control such as the pill can be used to regulate menstrual cycles and balancing hormones. There are many other benefits for women taking birth control. It has been known to reduce the risk of cancer, help w omen who could be at risk of heart problems if they became pregnant. Many woman use birth control to become financially and emotionally ready or organized before conceiving a child. Birth control such as the pill can reduce and control outbreaks of acne in teenage girls. One of the most common uses, regulates regulates the acne of women going through puberty. The issues that women struggle with can be difficult for many men to completely grasp, with the gender pay gap. Meaning that not only do women have to pay for birth control, but they have less funds to pay for it than the men in their field. Making an informed decision based upon facts that the male population has no knowledge of could negatively affect the female population drastically. One of the main problems with having such a large and powerful male dominated society, for women at least, is that men do not always align there thoughts or influence with the problems that only women face. For example most men do not think abo ut the complications of having to navigate around a worldShow MoreRelatedControversy of Abortions Essay example547 Words   |  3 Pagesopinion are long and sometimes even brutal. Both sides have strong supporting arguments: pro-lifers base on moral principals, which is life before birth, while pro-choicers defend political and social rights, such as right to privacy and right of choice. Neither side can be absolutely right or wrong; basically it is a matter of personal opinion. Mine is that although the abortion is originally wrong, in many cases it must be a legal option. Abortion is immoral. The statement a woman has aRead MoreAbortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice Essay1130 Words   |  5 Pagesbe seen. Theres the pro-life side, which is the side that is against abortion. The next is the pro-choice side, which is the side that supports abortion. The two rival sides of this topic have a strong fire burning between them, making this one of the biggest political and moral debates of my lifetime. Whichever side you stand on, there are good arguments on either side. I personally am pro-choice. But look at the facts and see which side fits best. Pro-life is a term that describes the perspectivesRead MoreAgainst Or Forward About Abortion1749 Words   |  7 Pages2012 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines abortion as, â€Å"The termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation--miscarriage, the induced expulsion of a human fetus, or the expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy.† Abortions have always been and will always be a controversial topic. Read MoreThe Social Problem With Teenage Pregnancy1358 Words   |  6 PagesThe social problem with teenage pregnancy is one to be aware of. Throughout the years we have seen the numbers all across the spectrum. This being, the number of pregnant teenage girls has decreased in recent years, but on the other hand, has also been pretty high ten to twenty years ago. 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Wade was the 1973 US Supreme court case that made abortion legal in the United States. Abortion should be the woman’s choice. The US supreme court has declared abortion to be a fundamental right that is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Reproductive rights also give women a sense of empowerment, as they are in control of their bodies. Concluding with t hese, death and injuryRead MoreHealthy People 2020975 Words   |  4 Pageseffective therapy prevention; can delay the chance of DM and improve the quality of life for Americans. 4. Family Planning- Education and improvement in pregnancy planning can prevent many unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. For countless women, these clinics are their source and support to health care The estimated costs of these pregnancies were $11 billion in 2006, which included prenatal care, delivery, post- partum care and infant care up to one year (Healthy People, n.d.). 5. 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According to abortion statistic in the United States, twenty-two percent of all pregnancies end in abortion.(Merino, Noël. pg124) .People have abortion because of both objective and subjective reasons, but spontaneous abortions ,or abortions are performed to save mother s life take very small portion. It means most of abortion casesRead MoreLegalization of Abortion: A Controversy2153 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction and Thesis Abortion is the termination to a pregnancy after the baby has been conceived. It basically involves the woman putting an end to her underdeveloped embryo or the fetus. This may be done at different stages of the pregnancy and may be done for various reasons. The controversy exists between whether or not this is ethical and whether it should be legalized. Some countries allow the woman to put an end to her pregnancy with choice; some allow the abortion only under certain circumstances

Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Am A City Girl At Heart - 923 Words

Question Topics: â€Å"What will be my major in college and what influenced my choice of this major?† and â€Å"What community service organizations have I been involved with and why did I choose those organizations?† Although I am a city girl at heart, I found my niche in agriculture at a very young age, when I was in middle school to be exact. When many students were taking elective courses in band, art, dance, or drama, I chose to enroll in agricultural education courses, which consisted of learning about the industry that feeds, clothes, and fuels us every day, with lessons over pet care and livestock husbandry, to other things such as asexual plant propagation, electrical wiring, and nutrition. These courses sparked my interest in the sixth grade, continuing through middle school, high school, and lasting today into college, where I am currently studying to obtain a degree related to it to establish a successful career in the field upon graduation. Right now, I am currently finishing my second year of community college at Daytona State College and will be obtaining my Associate of Arts degree upon completion of the semester this May. In the fall, I will be transferring to the University of Florida to get my Bachelor’s degree with Agricultural Communications and Education as my major to pursue a career in agricultural communications in a leadership position upon graduation, with a fair, livestock show, commodity based organization, or state association. Eventually, many yearsShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Y All Hoping For?1585 Words   |  7 Pagesand realizes that it is more enjoyable to play sports and have short hair. The tomboy reaches middle school and begins the horrific changes of puberty, praying in vain every night to keep these changes from happening. A secret burdens the child’s heart like the sky weighs down on Atlas. This troubled teen does not feel like the young woman puberty has created in the mirror. Years pass, and the discomfort only grows. This person, now an adult, finally seeks help for these complex emotions. The doctorRead MoreNarrative Analysis : Tick Tock974 Words   |  4 Pages Tick tock, tick tock. I listen to the clock and suddenly all these memories pop up. I remember all these little details that are usual forgotten and notice how far I’ve gotten in life. I specifically chose these pictures to put into my collage because behind every picture lies a story. A story that has impacted your life in such a strong way that it cannot be forgotten, no matter how hard you try. The first picture might seem like a silly picture of two girls with a dog filter, however there isRead MoreAutobiography Of My Family980 Words   |  4 PagesI was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in America on my moms side and second generation on my dads side. 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I plugged my white tangled earphone on my ears while sitting on theRead MoreSocial Label Of Being A Girl937 Words   |  4 PagesJune 23, 1995 in the early morning hours a little baby girl peacefully joined a new world. This social label of being a girl was now my gender, which is something I had no say in. Every since that very moment in time where my parents were told I was a girl, I have been treated according to my gender. This meant that my parents automatically dressed me in pink, bought me dollhouses and kitchen sets and threw me Barbie themed birthday parties. Since I was surrounded my whole entire life by these thingsRead MoreThe Book Thief And I Am The Messenger1288 Words   |  6 Pagesproven in his works, The Book Thief and I Am the Messenger. Within these two texts Zusak displays remarkable and admirable style in the form of his realistic characters, diverse word choice and structure, and gratifying plot lines. One major component to Zusak s writing style to make it as impeccable as it is, are the characters with which he writes about. Specifically, the two protagonists of his books: Liesel Meminger (The Book Thief) and Ed Kennedy (I Am the Messenger). Now, Ed Kennedy is quiteRead MoreThesis And Antithesis762 Words   |  4 PagesThesis. I do not fully agree with the dialectical materialism cycle on the large scale of history as an entirety, but I do believe in it as a personal cycle that all humans go through. Thesis and Antithesis are the two major components of life itself, but they carry a much heavier importance when viewed as personal forces. Each human is the driver of their own forces, and these forces reach a new level of power once an individual realizes they hold the reins. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Future of the United States Rick Santorum Essay

Since the beginnings of time, men looked forward ways to represent a certain group of people, but it was not until the Greeks that the term of democracy appeared in our dictionaries. This word describe a form of government where all citizens are allow to choose their representatives. This political system is use in almost all of the countries in the world, giving the opportunity to people to feel that, somehow, they are participating in the future of their country. The United States of America is not the exception, each four years the Tuesday between the 2nd and 8th of November millions of Americans make their votes for the candidate that they think, will make a good job in the white house. In the country there are two parties, the†¦show more content†¦According to him, families have to pay more taxes and they have less economic help from the country than people that are single. According to some statistics, each year more people get divorced and more people want to stay sin gle because of the different kinds of opportunities that exist between both groups. Unfortunately, this not only affects the economy of the country in a short term, but also in a long term. â€Å"Only 45% of children that experiment the separation of their parents can move on† (Mercedes Isaza). This means that most of the children from those marriages will develop a â€Å"single mentality† which will affect the social structure of the country in the future. Education is another important aspect in the future of the economy of a country. Education will prevent people from troubles and drugs, it will give them skills to success in life and it will give them more opportunities in this competitive world. The main problem is that, as I said previously, society thinks that the only way to â€Å"success† in life is by getting an important degree in a big university: however, Santorum shows that this is not the only way people can assure their future. He says that there are many ways to grow as a person and keep developing skills with a good education in the United States. For example, associates degrees in colleges are good examples. Colleges are more accessible, economically speaking, and they have a high value of education in the society and what is mostShow MoreRelatedStem Cell Research in America: A Perfect Storm of Ideology, Politics, Science, and Religion1818 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Stem Cell Research in America: A Perfect Storm of Ideology, Politics, Science, and Religion By: Me March 30, 2012 Abstract This paper discusses the recent history of stem cell research in the United States, tracking the controversies, politics, and promise of new technology that comes with a moral price. Starting in August of 2001, with President Bushs request that Stem Cell Research not be paid for with federal funding, the battle of science against religion began. (Rosenburg, 2001) DespiteRead MoreEssay on Why Marriage Matters1549 Words   |  7 Pagesmarriage (or outside a cohabiting union) and 50 percent more likely to divorce. Parents’ marriage is vitally important to the future outcome of the child’s marriage. The daughters are not the only one’s deeply affected though. â€Å"For sons, parental divorce doubles the odds that they will have a child outside marriage as well as the risk that they will divorce†, CIVITAS states. The correlation between marriage and a child’s relationship with others is as apparent as light. Yes, children haveRead MoreThe Treatment Of Birth Control816 Words   |  4 Pages According to the United States census, the world population is over 7 billion and a birth occurs every 8 seconds. China leads with well over 1.3 billion people. There are rural areas, in Africa that women have never heard of any form of birth control. In those areas, women have 6 or more children. According to the United nations report (2013), The world s population is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. There is already a lack of natural global resources. The environment is showing signsRead MoreThe National Rifle Association ( Nra )971 Words   |  4 Pagesfull fledge of their support for the NRA, which is not only cohesive but reciprocal, and has been one of the standing points for these candidates. Because of this, â€Å"Fortune† magazine has recognized NRA as the most power ful lobbying force in the United States. The National Rifle Association is an effective interest group because of its strong advocacy for gun rights, its strong support from taxpayers and politicians, and its notable presence in policy making and legislation. The NRA is a powerful organizationRead More Undocumented Children Should Attend College Essay2237 Words   |  9 Pagesargue the idea that it’s not that important. For instance, George Stephanopoulos writes in his article about US Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who brings up a valid point that due to already possessing skills and having their own ideal dreams, â€Å"there are a lot of people in this country that have no desire or no aspiration to go to college† (â€Å"Rick Santorum: ‘A Lot’ of People in US Have No Desire for College†). In defense, college teaches many values that can shape an individual over the courseRead MoreBarack Obama Incumbent U.S. Presidential Election 2012 Essay1122 Words   |  5 PagesThe race for the republican nomination for president of the United States is well underway. With casualties including Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Herman Cain, it remains unclear at this juncture which candidate will walk away w ith the republican nod. As debate over who will garner the nomination, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, or Mitt Romney intensifies, attention is beginning to turn to the upcoming November general election and the democratic Presidential incumbent, Barack ObamaRead MoreJustification of the War in Iraq Essay1391 Words   |  6 Pagesreasons. The greatest is that Iraq was a severe menace to its own people due to a corrupt and distorted government, spearheaded by the dictator, Saddam Hussein. Furthermore, Iraq was a substantial threat to other nations in the world, including the United States of America because of its previous possession of weapons of mass destruction and ties with terrorist groups. It would be misleading to not mention the economic gains that motivated the American government to occupy Iraq. However, as a whole, theRead MoreAmeric The Land Of The Free1637 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States of America is known as the â€Å"land of the free†. But as m ost know â€Å"free† always comes with a price. Luckily, the price is worth a lifetime of opportunities and freedoms that other countries will never get to experience. America has immigrants naturalized every year. People from these countries come to America to pursue the â€Å"land of the free†. In fact, in 2014, â€Å"654,949 people were naturalized.†1 America is also known around the world as the country that practices democracy. TheRead MoreNot Every American Should Go To College . When You Think1219 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Real Education† and he says that â€Å"His pessimistic view of people’s ability to learn ignores not just good evidence to the contrary but the real pressures the American economy is facing. Removing some 80-90 percent of our students in my state or just about any state would interrupt the pipeline of skilled working, making it nearly impossible to meet the needs of a society that has defined post-secondary credentials as an entry point for most professions.† (670). With Robert T. Perry saying that, thatRead MoreMedia Rooted Aggression And Its Effects On Society1403 Words   |  6 Pageswaltz in to the lime light without criticism. Death race was banned shortly after its initial launch in the late 1970’s. At this time violent crimes began its steady decline into the future. The news media during 1976 saw its share of negative journalism. With nuclear tensions high as the Soviet Union and the United States of America test their arsenals amidst a cold war background. CBS airs their primetime special â€Å"Helter Skelter† on television over the happenings behind the Manson family. Truly a turbulent

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Jenny Craig Diet System free essay sample

An analysis of the major components of the Jenny Craig Diet plan. This paper examines the different aspects of Jenny Craig Inc. and its highly successful diet plan in order to determine its overwhelming international success. The paper outlines the plans philosophy, including the importance of healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle changes. The author discusses the regular meetings that each client attends, the one-on-one consultations, structured eating program, supplements and stringent calorie requirements. The paper points out that this program is extremely structured and that the counselors undergo many hours of training including weekly and monthly sessions with medical personnel. The paper feels that this has contributed to its success, but does point out that, due to the highly structured nature of the program, many people fail to maintain their successes after they leave the confines of the centers program. Jenny Craig emphasizes the essentials of activity and an active life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Jenny Craig Diet System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It stresses that regular physical activity is the top factor in losing and maintaining body weight. And when one is active, metabolism increases, more calories are burned and muscle mass maintained. those who become active tend to prefer healthy foods. And when ones lifestyle is active, the common consequences are improved immune function, better hormone balance, and reduced risk to heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Because of the increased energy and improved self-esteem, such clients or members begin or lead an active lifestyle.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Centralized vs. Decentralized Methods in IT †Current Issues Research Paper

Centralized vs. Decentralized Methods in IT – Current Issues Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Centralized vs. Decentralized Methods in IT Current Issues Research Paper Centralization of information technology resources refers to organizing all technology related services into a single business unit that then provides services to the entire organization. An excellent non-IT example of this practice is the method in which major airlines centralize their flights through hubs. Instead of flying directly from every airport to every other one, the connections are centralized through the hubs to make things run more efficiently. With the wave of information technology that has surged through the business world in the last decade or so great opportunities for rethinking the way organizations work is possible. In particular, the old mode of centralized authority has been severely undermined. Not because information technology in itself has great value but rather technology has allowed for aggressive out-of-the box thinking and method approaches that were once thought impossible. Decentralization on the other hand gives individual business units the responsibility for control over local IT resources with little or no consideration of other units. However there is value in the hierarchical decision-making structure that centralized offers. With no help in coordinating all technology decisions business units would otherwise have to make do on their own (or hire someone else to make for them). One of the most important things that decentralization is enabling is the ability for decision-making to be far more widely dispersed in both large and small firms. With cheaper communication costs, many more people can make decisions for themselves, because they have the information they need. And when more people make more of their own decisions, they are often more creative, more motivated, more dedicated. This means having many of the economic benefits of large organizations without having to give up the human benefits like motivation, creativity, and freedom. The most basic analyses would contrast the control, efficiency, and economy of centralization with the flexibility, empowerment, service level, and efficiency of decentralization in meeting business needs. A firm must examine the alignment between IT centralization and the need for information sharing in the organization. In firms that use a hierarchical structure, IT services and their management can be both centralized with IT specialists at the corporate level and decentralized with IT specialists placed in business units. Many experts are now offering shared internal services models as another hybrid way of solving the centralization vs.decentralization question. This model captures the economies of scale in centralization while keeping the support functions focused on the business units. The hybrid models combine centralized and decentralized approaches to IT delivery, suggesting that generic types of interaction between corporate IT and business units must exist. Research Papers on Centralized vs. Decentralized Methods in IT - Current Issues Research PaperOpen Architechture a white paperIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesResearch Process Part OneInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Health insurance should be free Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health insurance should be free - Essay Example This essay aims at showing the various reasons, both social and economic, as to why health insurance should be made free. Although the move to provide free health insurance has some disadvantages the purpose of this essay is to show how the positive side of free health insurance compares with the negative side. One among the major problems facing health-care access around the world and especially North America (U.S. and Canada) is poor access to health services. Due to poor income distribution, the affordability of health care has deteriorated from 2001 to 2005 and further from 2008 towards the end of 2014 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, para. 2-4). Among the reasons limiting access to health care is poor income distribution. For the middle and high-class social classes, health care costs are manageable and provoke few to no major affordability issues. Health care affordability means the ability of an individual to meet his/her medical care costs through self-sponsorship or employer-paid insurance cover. In order to ensure that health care affordability is accessible to members of the public, it is in the best interest of the public to either access income generating opportunities to unify accessibility or to have health care made free to everyone. The latter case is much practical and medical cover is a basic need to every individual. Unlike with the case of luxury and overall cost of living, health care should be made free and accessible to all citizens such that low income-earners can have the same accessibility as high-income earners. Due to the problem of income distribution and unemployment, it is documented that some countries such as the U.S. have a high number of uninsured people. As of 2012, 46% of adults aged between 19 and 64 years did not have insurance cover for the whole year. Based on the population in 2012, 46% of the adult population

Thursday, February 6, 2020

90 points Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

90 points - Assignment Example For instance, I will attempt to understand the cultural values of my clients when marketing the products of the firm in order to foster respect for the customs of my target clients. Similarly, I will apply the concept of environmental scanning to gather valuable information that can benefit the firm. For example, I will utilize both online and offline means to collect information about the trends in the competition in the market. The collected information will help the marketing team to devise comprehensive marketing tactics to acquire a competitive edge. In my role as a marketing representative, I will endeavor to understand the preferences and purchasing behavior of the customers. For example, I will conduct routine customer surveys to establish what products and services they would like my firm to improve. The surveys will assist the marketing team to capture the needs of the customers as contained in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Similarly, the concept of relationship selling will be paramount in my marketing activities. I will apply the concept in creating a long-term relationship with the potential as well as existing customers who belong to different generations as I seek to satisfy their various

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Black Panthers Party Essay Example for Free

Black Panthers Party Essay The American dream can just be a simple dream to many Americans particularly for the whites who are employed in some refutable companies. But this is not the case for the African-American. The American dream was simply to own a house and a little plot of land and a clean and descent place to live. Simple as it may sound but the great majority of the African Americans were excluded from that dream. During the period in which Frederick Douglas lived, the condition of the blacks were â€Å"dehumanizing† (Hubbard, 2007, p. 86) and Douglas himself experienced this dehumanizing condition as slave in the American South from his birth in 1818 to his escape from the North in 1838 . Up to the early 1900s men such as Riis and Du Bois signify upon the rising social consciousness of whites and blacks in America â€Å"as they focused on the dispossessed classes of American (Hubbard, p. 90). From these, it appears that the main theme of American dream during this period was not simply to own a house and a parcel of land but it also include the social conditions between the blacks and whites. It means of the dehumanizing conditions of the black because of the social discriminations. Both Douglas and Du Bois fought for the abolition of slavery. According to Joseph M. Flora, Lucinda Hardwick Mackethan, and Todd W. Taylor (2002) stated that in his 1845 narrative that â€Å"every tone was a testimony against slavery† (p. 19). The main themes of the American dream have to do with integration of the black American into the society with out discrimination for their being colored people, and the recognition of the blacks as fellow human being in terms of social and economic factors. In fact, this was the very agenda of notable black leaders such as Du Bois, and Douglas. ThePanthers movement in the 1960s was also aimed at drawing public attention as to the social and economic condition of the black community. Charles Earl Jones (1998) noted, â€Å"In the heart of Black communities with Black Panthers Party (BPP) affiliates, Panthers implemented numerous survival programs that fed, clothed, and provided medical services to community residents† (p. 1). However, the Panther was viewed by the authorities as outlawed paramilitary organization. Has the dream become more accessible since the time of those writers? Obviously not during their time! The existence of the Panther in the 1960s up to the eighties was a clear indication that the American dream of the early writers such as Douglas and Du Bois was never attained. As a matter of fact, the resurgence of the Black Panther Party ideology â€Å"provides a forum for progressive politics in the Oakland Bay Area† (Jones, p. 2). The rekindling of the interest in the BPP implied the condition of the blacks to remains socially and economically depressed. But it should be noted that condition have improved considerably, since then as more and more blacks are becoming socially visible and actively involve in society’s prominent activities. What has happened since the time of writing to create the current state of the issue for this groups or individuals? There have been many developments that had taken place since the time of those black intellectuals that created the current state of the issue for this group. Notable was the founding of the BPP which was a radical political party that was supposed to attract public attention to promote awareness about the condition of the black community. However, the party became outlawed and was relegated to radical paramilitary organization. Another important development was the change in social atmosphere for the black community as they can now actively engage in social and political activity. Black Individuals like Barack Obama, Oprah Winprey and famous sports personalities such Kobi Bryant, Michael Jordan and other black basketball players and those in other sports indicate that blacks finally gaining acceptance and recognition thereby achieving American dream. Reference Flora, M. J. MacKethan L. H. Taylor, T. (2002) The Companion to Southern Literature USA: LSU Press Hubbard, D. (2007) The Souls of Black Folk USA: University of Missouri Press Jones, C. (1998) The Black Panther Party (reconsidered): Reflections and Scholarship. USA: Black Classic Press.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Evil Women Essay -- essays papers

Evil Women Women are not always the affectionate, compassionate, and nurturing people that humanly instincts make them out to be. On the contrary, they are sometimes more ruthless and savage than their male counterparts. A good example of this idea is in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Through the use of various feminine roles throughout the play, Shakespeare manages to portray how dramatically important the witches are, along with how imminent greed and power can eventually grasp hold of Lady Macbeth’s morals, and thrust her into a state of emotional stupor. Shakespeare begins the play with the witches for several reasons. First, the fact that they are witches portrays many evil themes since witches are a universal symbol for an advocate of the devil. They themselves foreshadow malign events to come. For example, to add to the witches’ representation of evil, the clichà ©d background is that of thunder and lightening, which also represents wickedness and confusion. Shakespeare also uses the witches to give some background to the play; they decide to meet with Macbeth â€Å"when the battle’s lost and won†. Here, Shakespeare makes clear the fact that there is a battle taking place and Macbeth is involved. They choose to meet with Macbeth â€Å"upon the heath†, wherein a heath is described as being uncultivated, open land. The uncultivated aspect of the heath can be used to foretell the uncivilized intentions the witches have for Macbeth. The last line of the scene is immensely important, for when the wit ches say that â€Å"fair is foul, and foul is fair†, the reader Komery later understands that this is the main theme of the play. This implies that appearances can be deceiving. What appears to be good can be bad, and this ... will to have the throne, even at the cost of her own offspring. Similar to the witches, after Lady Macbeth states her desires to become male, Macbeth enters her room, and a discussion about the murder of King Duncan ensues. The dramatic effect that the witches and Lady Macbeth bring to the play is great. Without them, there would be no play, since Macbeth would have never even considered killing his faithful friend, King Duncan. Yet, because of them, he becomes torn between his lover and his comrade. Lady Macbeth’s greed for power overwhelms her to the point where she would sacrifice anybody that stands in her path. The witches toyed with Macbeth’s head just enough so that he thought he could commit the murder within reason. In the end, these two rationalities led to the death of King Duncan, physically by Macbeth, but mentally, by the women in his life.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Alzheimers Speech

http://www. nia. nih. gov/Alzheimers/Resources/images. htm I just passed out a blank card to everyone I would like you to draw an analog clock that reads the time 4:45, hang on to this piece of paper and I’ll explain it a little bit later. You might be wondering why there is a picture of an elderly woman on the screen. Well, that lovely old woman Is my grandmom and she was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease about 6 years ago, she was my inspiration for this speech . Mayo Clinic defines Alzheimer’s to be a disease that causes brain changes that gradually get worse.Alzheimers is the most common cause of dementia dementia is a group of brain disorders that cause progressive loss of intellectual and social skills, severe enough to interfere with day-to-day life. There are 2 types of Alzheimer's, the most common is called late onset alzheimers which symptoms of the disease emerge after age 65, the other is called early onset alzheimers, this occurs in a small amount of people who develop the disease in their 30s 40's and 50s When a person has Alzheimers the brain slowly loses its ability to make and retrieve memories and process information.A friend's name that was once familiar now eludes them, a recipie that they used to make all the time now is impossible to remember, family members names are and even a spouces face are forgotten. Mood and personality changes can also occur, most of the time you will notice increased anxiety or agression.. although sometimes you will notice that person become more introverted and quiet eventually this DZ makes it impossible for people to exist without the help of others. That help often comes from the family members or an assisted living facilityAn easy way to explain this dz is to think about an old light bulb in a lamp, in the beginning its on.. then sometimes it flickers until eventually it is off. So what exactly is going on in the brain that causes it to flicker and finally turn off? The brain w orks by sending signals. Chemical messengers called neurotransmitters allow the brain to communicate with each other. People with Alzheimer’s have a decreased amount of neurotransmitters, they also develop deposits of plaques and the fibers in the brain begin to tangle. This prevents the cells from working properly.Over time the brain begins to shrink and all of these factors put together cause a steady decline in memory and mental function. Earlier I had you draw a clock showing the time 4:45 on it. This is actually one of the many tests that are administered to people who are suspected to have Alzheimer’s. There is no specific test for Alzheimers the only way the dz can be diagnosed with complete accuracy is after the person has died and a microscopic examination of the brain reveals the characteristic plaques and tangles that I talked about earlier With that in mind, Hopefully the clock you drew looks like this (picture of clock on screen).For a person who is believ ed to be suffering with Alzheimer’s their clock looks something like this. This picture actually shows you the progession of someone with Alzheimers, you can see that the first clock is correct and as time goes on the image becomes more disorted. When my grandmom was diagnosed with alzheimers I didnt think much of it, I thought that she could just take some medicine and she would get better but Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer's. Alzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death in the country and the only cause of death mong the top 10 in the United States that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed There are just drugs to help cope with the secondary aspects of alzheimers like becoming anxious or nervous. Alzheimer's disease has no survivors. It destroys brain cells and causes memory changes, erratic behaviors and loss of body functions. It slowly and painfully takes away a person's identity, ability to connect with others, think, eat, talk, walk and find h is or her way home. This DZ is something that is close to my heart and i would just like to thank you all for listening.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Creative Story Day the World Turned Black - 1119 Words

Creative Story: Day The World Turned Black Everyday the sun would rise and the moon would set and everybody would wake up to a new morning. Today was a special day in October, for the sun did not rise and the moon did not set and everyone woke to a full moon. During the night the sun had mysteriously vanished and this inscrutable incident enervated the most brilliant of minds . This caused aberrant behavior throughout the globe. Nevertheless there were a few vivacious individuals brave enough to find out what happened. They start their adventure by taking off in a space shuttle destined for outer space. As they reach orbit they witness the most amazing thing that any of them have ever seen. They watched the sun being†¦show more content†¦Time seemed to fly by very quickly now and before they realize it they are within a few miles of the huge complex that they have been hoping to reach for weeks now. The once amiable crew has now become an irascible one. They set down the sun and wait anxiously to see what happe ns next. A human comes from within the complex and thanks everyone for making the journey. He sees a few people that are unexpected, these were the members of the crew sent out to uncover the mystery. The man invites everyone inside. He starts by giving everyone a hardy meal, shower and rest from their long journey. When everyone wakes up they realize that their host has disappeared and they are trapped inside of the house. The crew from earth begins to search the building, but after hours of searching come up with nothing but a set of Christmas lights. They have all that they need to survive forever so all day everyday for two weeks they ponder their ideas. Many suggested that the sun was part of a plan to destroy the universe. Another suggested that people from other parts of the universe were trying to take over. The crew realized that their host was really a human and that the sun had something to do with the earth and its people directly. The other ideas were based on erroneous assumptions but the third was based on facts and clear thinking so must be right, therefore they concentrated on this. The host returned after three weeks and when heShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Haroun And The Sea Of Stories1232 Words   |  5 PagesLips â€Å"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.† This quote, by Joseph Campbell, is the perfect description for the biggest conflict displayed throughout the story. Haroun and the Sea of Stories is a novel written by Salman Rushdie. The purpose of the tale was a gift to his son, Zafar, to continue to tell him magnificent stories when Rushdie was not at home. 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